Housing, finances, mental health all topics for discussion at annual event
ByAlexis Weisend, Columbianstaff reporter
Published: July 23, 2024, 5:09pm
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Adulting 101 — it’s a class a lot of people wish they took in their youth. Yes, English and math are important, but how do you know whether you’re in a healthy relationship? How do you sign up for college with little funds? What if you’re struggling with addiction?
Columbia River Mental Health Services sought to answer these questions at its annual Youth Summit event Tuesday at River City Church. People ages 14-24 ate lunch and played games while learning where they could receive help with housing, mental health, medical insurance, financial literacy and nutrition.
“I think an amazing thing about this event is everyone coming together and being in one space helps reduce a lot of barriers when it comes to finding resources like this,” said Arianna Suarez, one of the event coordinators.
Some of these systems are difficult to navigate, she said.
“For a variety of reasons they weren’t learning these things,” said Michelle Karnath, a coordinator with the state’s Family Youth System Partner Round Table.
Teaching Clark County’s youth about these resources now steers them on a path with more support, she said.
“You have to have prevention, but you’ve got to have appropriate care along with that,” Karnath said.
The CEO of Columbia River Mental Health Services, Victor Jackson, said the organization wanted to host an event for youth in particular.
“They are experiencing behavioral health challenges to a greater extent than the larger population, so having these services and making these connections is important,” Jackson said.
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Janet Bentley-Jones, a clinical supervisor for the Cowlitz Indian Tribe’s Substance Use Disorder Program, wanted to come to the event to let people know the tribe has youth services available for people in Clark County, regardless of whether they’re Native.
“I worked for Clark County Juvenile Court for 16 years, and I left because I was so frustrated with the limited resources for kids in the community with behavioral health issues. I just couldn’t get kids anywhere. I know that there is a great need,” Bentley-Jones said.
Matt McKay, also with the Cowlitz Indian Tribe, said the fentanyl epidemic has outpaced resources for youth and families struggling with addiction in Southwest Washington. He hopes youth, especially those exposed to drugs at home, can find help through the resources through the event.
“We have kids testing positive for fentanyl that don’t use fentanyl,” McKay said.
Although Clark County still lacks resources for struggling youth, they have more opportunities for help than their parents did, said Dylan Forbes, programs and outreach manager with the National Alliance on Mental Illness for Southwest Washington.
“If the parents have their own struggle, then they pass down that generational trauma. You’ve got unparented parents parenting. You’ve got to give the kids the tools to parent themselves,” Forbes said.
Other tables offered free haircuts, guidance through the college application process and information on nutrition. People from the Clark County Food Bank explained to youth how they can find and prepare healthy food.
“I think youth in Clark County are some of the most common people experiencing food insecurity,” said Ben Folger-Vent, a volunteer with the food bank. “Showing them where food is accessible is important.”
Another table by an organization named Called To Love offered apologies to youth who felt wronged by their religious faith, especially LGBTQ+ youth. Eunice Ingermanson sat behind her rainbow table talking with teenagers and apologizing for negative experiences they’ve had in church.
“We are painfully, painfully aware of how much harm the faith community has done to the LBGT community,” she said.
It was difficult for her, she said, when her child came out as transgender. But now, she wants youth like her child to feel accepted, she said.
This is the third year Columbia River Mental Health Services hosted a youth summit event, Jackson said. A state grant funded the first two events, but staff wanted to use CRMHS funds and collected donations to hold this year’s event.
“Having these services and making these connections are important — catching it early,” he said.
This story was made possible by Community Funded Journalism, a project from The Columbian and the Local Media Foundation. Top donors include the Ed and Dollie Lynch Fund, Patricia, David and Jacob Nierenberg, Connie and Lee Kearney, Steve and Jan Oliva, The Cowlitz Tribal Foundation and the Mason E. Nolan Charitable Fund. The Columbian controls all content. For more information, visit columbian.com/cfj.